
CM Division Domain Statement

The nature and management of conflicts at the individual, group, organizational, institutional, interorganizational and societal level; power processes including influence, coalitions, coercion, deterrence, and persuasion; bargaining and negotiation, negotiator characteristics and behaviors; collaboration and competition; third party interventions (such as facilitation, arbitration, mediation); trust, trust violations, and trust repair; workplace mistreatment, distributive and procedural justice, restorative justice, and dispute resolution procedures. Major topics include application of the above conceptual foci to a wide variety of contexts including interpersonal conflict, team interactions, intercultural relations, organizational diversity, labor relations, workplace disputes, community conflict, and public policy development.

CM Division Constitution
Constitution of the Conflict Management Division (1992)
Ratified Change with regard to election procedures (1995)
Ratified Change with regard to roles (2022)

Constitution of the Conflict Management Division
Academy of Management

Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be the Conflict Management (CM) Division of the Academy of Management.

Article II - Purpose
The purpose of the Division is to coalesce individuals and groups interested in theory, research, and management of organizational conflict, including the power and negotiation processes that can be used to deal with conflict. Specific topics include, but are not limited to, those listed in the domain statement.

The specific activities of the Division shall include:

(1) Encouraging and supporting research and theory development related to Conflict Management;
(2) Promoting the connection and the exchange of information, concepts, ideas and research results among those academicians and practitioners interested in Conflict Management;
(3) Promoting the exchange of information, materials and views on issues and approaches to the teaching of Conflict Management;
(4) Such other activities and services as are deemed useful by the officers and membership in advancing the state of knowledge and practice in the field of Conflict Management.

Article III - Membership
Membership in the Division shall be open to members in good standing of the Academy of Management with interest in the Division's purposes. An individual joins the Division by designating his or her membership on the Academy's annual dues statement.

Article IV - Officers and Their Responsibilities
Section 1. The officers of the Division shall consist of a Division Chair, a Chair-Elect, a Past Chair, a Program Chair, a Program Chair-Elect, Communications Chair a, four Representatives-at-Large, and such other appointed officers as approved by the Executive Committee.

Each must be an official member of this Division. The Representatives-at-Large will serve two-year terms, with two elected each year. All other officers serve a one-year term in each particular role, as part of a 5-year leadership track (except for the Communications Chair; see Article IV, Section 7).

Section 2. The Division Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the Division and shall administer all affairs of the Division with policy guidance from the Division's Executive Committee and the Officers of the Academy of Management. The Division Chair is responsible for the conduct of the Division’s activities in a manner that will assure accomplishment of the Division’s constitution, and is consistent with the bylaws of the Academy. The Division Chair will appoint the Communications Chair as well as the Chair and membership of all standing committees, unless otherwise specified, and such ad hoc committees as are necessary, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The Division Chair coordinates all existing Division committees. At the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, the Division Chair presides over the Division's Business Meeting and reports on the status and progress of the Division. The Division Chair also fulfills the role of Division Treasurer, as specified by AOM.

Section 3. The Chair-Elect succeeds the Division Chair upon the conclusion of the Academy of Management Business Meeting during the annual meeting of the Academy. During their tenure, the Chair-Elect serves in the absence of the Division Chair and assists the Division Chair as necessary.

Section 4. The Past Chair serves as a counselor to the Division Chair and, as Chair of the Nomination Committee, is responsible for conducting and certifying the annual election. The actual election process may be delegated, but this must be done only with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 5. Approval of all expense reimbursement requests shall require the joint approval of the Division Chair (Treasurer) and the Program Chair. All reimbursement requests should be submitted first to the Program Chair, who will review them in terms of the spending guidelines established by the Executive Committee, the bylaws of the Academy, and reasonableness for the items claimed. If acceptable, the Program Chair will approve such requests and forward them to the Division Chair who will review them a second time. If acceptable, the Division Chair will also approve the request and will forward it to the appropriate officer of the Academy for payment. If a request is not acceptable for any reason, the Division Chair and Program Chair shall discuss the matter with the individual submitting the request. If the explanation is satisfactory to the parties, they will approve and process the request. If one party remains unsatisfied, the matter shall be held over until the next Executive Committee meeting and shall be resolved by a majority vote of that Committee, subject to the bylaws of the Academy and the guidelines previously established by the Executive Committee.


If the Program Chair requests reimbursement for an expense incurred by the Program Chair directly, the request should be submitted to the Division Chair for approval and thereafter follow the same process as outlined above.

Section 6. The Program Chair shall be responsible for planning and supervising the Division's program at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management subject to the guidelines established by the Program Chair of the Academy of Management, as well as those of the Executive Committee of the Division.

Section 7. The Communications Chair is appointed by the outgoing Division Chair for a two-year term. The Communications Chair shall keep a record of the Division's annual business meeting, all Executive Committee meetings, all amendments to the constitution, and shall execute such other duties as specified by the Division Chair. The Communications Chair holds ultimate responsibility for compiling and maintaining records of importance to the Division; each officer maintains those records that are relevant to their role. Such records shall include, but not be restricted to, minutes of Division Business and Executive Committee meetings, correspondence among Executive Committee members, and other such items. The Communications Chair is responsible for publicity and social media, and will work with the Academy of Management Secretary-Treasurer to coordinate and maintain mailing lists.

Article V - Executive Committee
Section 1. The policy-making body for the Division shall be the Executive Committee, composed of the Past Chair, Division Chair, Chair-Elect, Program Chair, Program Chair-Elect, and four Representatives-at-Large of the Division. The Division Chair may further appoint past officers to the Executive Committee, not to exceed four past officers. All appointed officers except the Communications Chair shall serve as non-voting members.

Section 2. All activities of the Division shall be under the purview of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Executive Committee must be convened at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. The Executive Committee will meet four times per year (usually August, November, February, and May) to conduct Division business. Usually, the Division Chair will convene the Executive Committee, but a written call for an Executive Committee meeting supported by at least three Executive Committee members can convene such a meeting or cause a ballot to be issued for vote by the Executive Committee or the Division membership.

Section 4. All issues will be deemed approved or disapproved by a simple majority of a quorum of the Executive Committee. A quorum is defined as six members for a meeting and all members for ballots petitioned under the provisions of Section 3.

Section 5
. The Executive Committee, or a designated subcommittee, can serve as the Nominating Committee. When the Executive Committee is serving as a Nominating Committee, it will be chaired by the Past Chair or a person delegated to that role by the Past Chair.

Article VI - Committee Structure
Section 1. The committees of the Division shall include the: (1) Executive Committee, (2) Nominating Committee, and (3) whatever ad hoc committees are convened by the Division Chair.

Section 2. The membership of the Executive Committee, its duties and manner of operation are specified in Article V.

Article VII – Election Procedure
Section 1. The Past Chair shall solicit nominations for the positions of Program-Chair-Elect and two Representatives-at-Large from the Division membership at the Division Business Meeting and through online communications. They will then present a slate of candidates, who are members of the Division at the time of the election, to the general membership no later than the time designated by AOM (usually late February). Additional nominations can be made directly by the membership prior to the AOM deadline by written petition attested to by five members in good standing of the Division. Placement on the ballot will be contingent on each nominee’s willingness to serve if elected; such willingness will be ascertained by the Past Chair.

Section 2. Whenever possible, the Division membership should offer at least two nominations for the positions of Program-Chair Elect and four nominations for the two Representative-at-Large positions. The Past Chair is responsible for soliciting alternative candidates when necessary.

Section 3
. Nominations will be closed each year in accordance with the AOM schedule and elections will be opened by AOM. The Past Chair will ensure timely announcements to the membership to allow for voting. A plurality of all ballots returned to the Past Chair or their designee will constitute election to the open offices. In the event of a tie, the Past Chair will cast the deciding vote.

Section 4. An individual cannot be nominated to a previously held office until at least two years after their prior term has expired, The Nominating Committee will be guided by the criterion of involving new people, when possible, in elected positions.

Section 5. The election should be completed in accordance with the AOM schedule and will be deemed official when results are received from AOM headquarters and confirmed by the Past Chair.

Article VIII . Removal and Replacement of Executive Committee Members
Section 1. A member of the Executive Committee, either elected or appointed, may resign before the expiration of their term of office by written notification to the Division Chair, or, in the case of the Division Chair, to the Past Chair.

Section 2. An elected or appointed officer of the Division may be recalled by written request of five members of the Executive Committee or by a minimum of five percent of the membership of the Division submitted to the Division Chair, or in the case of the Chair, to the Past Chair. An elected or appointed officer who has been recalled can be removed from office by a written vote of a minimum of two-thirds of the Executive Committee, excluding the recalled officer and any vacant positions on the committee.

Section 3. If a Division Chair should resign, be removed from office, or otherwise be unable to serve, the Chair-Elect will succeed to the office of Chair. If the office of Chair-Elect becomes vacant, the Past Chair will propose an election for a new Chair-Elect in accordance with Article VII, Section 1. If the office of Past Chair becomes vacant, that office will remain vacant until its term expires. The Division Chair will carry out the functions of the Past Chair.

Article IX. Publications
To accomplish its general purpose, the Division will publish whatever articles, papers, notes and other materials, and social media posts, as the Executive Committee deems necessary, subject to the publications policy of the Academy of Management.

Article X - Meetings
There shall be an annual Business Meeting of the Division held concurrently with the annual  meeting of the Academy of Management. The Division Chair will run the meeting, and may invoke Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. Special meetings may be held as deemed necessary by the Division's officers.


Article XI. Ratification and Amendments
Section 1. This constitution will be ratified by a majority vote of the Division members present and voting at the annual Business Meeting.

Section 2. Amendments to the constitution shall be ratified by the approval of the majority of the Division members who participate in the vote. Amendments will become effective immediately after the ballot is tabulated. Members must be given at least 14 days to submit their votes after they received the proposed amendment. Proposed amendments should contain a brief explanation or reason for the recommended change. Proposed amendments may be initiated by the Executive Committee or by any member of the Division. To initiate a change, a member needs to submit to the Executive Committee a petition which specifies the proposed amendment and its rationale. Five members of the Division must endorse and sign the petition.

Section 3. The bylaws of the Academy of Management will always supersede any conflicting provisions in the Division's Constitution.


Amendment (2022)

The Conflict Management Executive Team recommends that we change our bylaws so it is consistent with our evolving needs to connect, inform, and include our members. This means that we will vote to approve the following changes to the bylaws:

• Edits to increase clarity and remove requirements that are no longer applicable (like using the postal service to vote).
• Elimination of roles that have not been filled in years (Membership Chair and Secretary/Newsletter editor) and replaced them with a Communication Chair, who will oversee social media and the Division website.
• There are four, not two, Representatives-at-Large and they serve a two-year term.
• The Division Chair will also be the Treasurer, as specified by AOM.
• The executive committee meets quarterly, not annually.
• The Past Chair, with the help of a Nominating Committee, solicits and runs the division elections.

Amendment (1995)


A Call for Order

The constitution governing the Conflict Management Division requires us to find candidates and then vote for:

-Program Chair-Elect (who then proceeds to Program Chair)
-Division Chair-Elect (who then proceeds to Division Chair)

In contrast, the constituents governing all other Academy Divisions requires members to vote for:

-Program Chair-Elect (who then proceeds to become Program Chair, Division Chair-Elect, and Division Chair)

The Conflict of Management Board of Directors recommends that we change our constitution so it is consistent with the practice of other Divisions. We believe this change would make our voting practice more efficient, and, perhaps more importantly, it would facilitate officers' organizational learning and, thus, our management succession. This would mean that our members - like most Academy members - will vote for Representatives-at-Large and Program Chair-Elect only.