Volunteer Roles with CM
We want to have fun in the process of running our division! Click below on any of our strategic initiatives to learn how you can get involved (and build your vita in the process).
Each role description provides an overview of activities, but there is always the chance for volunteers to “make their mark” beyond what is described. We welcome suggestions for new initiatives to build a better-connected and more vibrant CM community. Each role has been designed to meet these criteria:
- Achieve a strategic objective of our division,
- Be appropriate for different career stages,
- Have a clear area of responsibility and give you recognition for your service,
- Have a well-defined time commitment for activities so you can manage your time.
There are three ways to formally volunteer.
Occasional Roles
If you are interested in some of our miscellaneous roles, such as award committees, PDW involvement, or hosting virtual events, please email the Past Division Chair and we will get you involved.
Scholars in Residence (2-3 people, 2 year term beginning in May)
This role is for our more seasoned members (10+ years into their career) to actively guide academics who are earlier in their career. Our distinguished Scholars in Residence host at least one virtual workshop (teaching or research related) each year and serve/advise as an expert on professional development workshops during the Academy of Management conference. Scholars in Residence are selected from a nomination process. Self-nominations are encouraged. Nominations for the next cohort of Scholars will open in March 2024.
Regional Representatives (appointed annually, 4-6 hours per year)
The CM division is global, and our activities reflect that. Our Regional Representatives tend come from all career stages, and are people interested in increasing the visibility of regional scholars and/or to highlight a research topic or practice critical in their region. They typically host a virtual event for our members each year, or some work with our Program Chair to plan a plenary session at the Academy of Management Conference. Our Regional Representatives also keep us aware of special considerations in Division planning.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is the eyes and ears of our Division. They share photos, make sure we are communicating in a way that is enjoyable and useful to our members. We have three roles:
Communications Coordinator (1 person, appointed annually, 3 hours per month)
- Support and oversee the activities of the division’s communications volunteers
- Moderate the CM division’s AOM Connect site (formerly the CM listserv)
- Attend division executive meetings, and make recommendations to the division’s
executive about communication content, timing, and strategy
- Develop promotional strategies for annual meeting and off-cycle events, working with the executive (annual meeting) and reps-at-large (off cycle events).
- Attend Academy DIG Communications meetings on behalf of the division, and report back on action items to the division executive.
- Report metrics on communications (site views, social media follows and engagement) to the division’s executive
Website Manager/Content Developer (1 person, 2 year term, 1-2 hours per year)
- Add and update content on the CM division website (https://cm.aom.org)
- Create visual materials (e.g. in Photoshop) or request them from AOM’s design staff to accompany website content and improve the visual impact of our site
- Recommend and execute design, navigation and content changes (using HigherLogic’s microsite builder and widgets)
Social Media Specialist (2 volunteers, new or reappointed annually prior to the annual meeting; activity is mainly during the conference, 3-4 hours per year)
- Post pictures, quotes, and other highlights from the annual meeting to divisional conference sessions, PDWs, the business meeting, and social events to social media channels
- Engage with social media followers, including amplifying (reposting, etc.) member content related to the division, taking care to reflect the division’s values and standards
- Create promotional material (e.g. social media and AOM Connect posts) to drive registration and attendance at annual meeting sessions and off-cycle events